Gender Gap


Exploring inequality of income across African countries.

Gender equality is fundamental to the structure of economies and societies. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, healthcare, labor market and representation in political and economic decision-making is not about stealing men’s opportunities or making them inferior. This a social development toward more sustainable economies and advancing societies.

My Role

Infographic Designer | illustrator. I worked alongside a team of journalists, researchers, data analysts and developers from code for Africa.

The Tool

GenderGap.AFRICA is a tool designed to help users calculate the gender pay gap in any African country. The tool uses Estimated Earned Income data from the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2017. The calculator isn’t designed to give breakdowns for each industry: it instead captures the average gender gap across all sectors within a country. Gender Gap tool represents the gap between men and women in pay.

Bringing in the Viz

With all the data gathered by my team, I designed visuals to promote the tool we created and the gender gap stories in Africa. The data viz came through in the answers, using a wide variety of devices, from bubble charts to bars.

The Countries

GenderGap.AFRICA is a tool designed to help users calculate the gender pay gap in any African country. The tool uses Estimated Earned Income data from the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2017. The calculator isn’t designed to give breakdowns for each industry: it instead captures the average gender gap across all sectors within a country. Gender Gap tool represents the gap between men and women in pay.